fan projects in Twisted Metal

Post, you geeds.

energy skills - jumping and shields

+ new car battery item to give you faster energy regen


particle system special attack added ✅


using some new car models


working on special attacks, Godot particle system + animation player made this super easy


we're got items and a basic game loop now!

defeat all the enemies to get one of 3 items and move to the next stage


turbo with particles!


Finished my demo level in Godot 🎉

First 3D modelling experience and super happy with the result

got the last part of my demo level ready - the exterior wall!

harder than it looks because I did some blender tricks to cut out the bits at the top

the textures were pretty easy, just scribbled in Krita

finished texturing the first couple of buildings

started texturing my buildings, think I'm getting the hang of it